Applications to convert your ebook from LRF to TXTZ:
Comments: 3
If you want to convert files you have hosted on Dropbox, Google Drive or an URL, this application is what you need. The free version allows a maximum upload file size of 100 MB, 10 minutes of conversion time and 2 concurrent conversions. Read more »
Online Application
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Drag and drop eBook converter that supports all popular e-readers and converts widely-used e-book formats. Read more »
Operating system: Windows NT, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows XP.
Comments: 1
Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application. It can convert from a huge number of formats to a huge number of formats. The conversion engine has lots of powerful features. It can rescale all font sizes, detect/create book structure, insert the book metadata, etc. Read more »
Operating system: Mac OS X, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Linux, Windows XP.